Welcome to madness

If it's not occupied, you know it's abandoned...and haunted :D

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Idiots in Kranji War Memorial

The adventures of fat and thin (featuring Hanni) in Kranji war Memorial

(Ghost soldiers are not BF's, thank you very much)

Admist the buzzing city life of Singapore; there lies a spot very near the North that is both secluded and peaceful. A spot that takes us one and a half hours to reach, a spot people from the North can easily access, a spot that we, one way or another have visited. Its in the title folks and I'm sure you know it very well; yes my freinds, sisters and brothers...Kranji War Memorial.

As much as I want to write about the sadness of the war and how the trip was both a meaningful but sad one, I won't, why? The answer is simple, I suck at sob stories.

So, I shall start.

This my freinds is Kranji War Memorial, a secluded green plain with just a bit more tombstones than others. Yes, its a grave site and under this clean, green and neat filed are the bodies of a few thousand men buried under tons of dirt and covered with a nice patch of grass.

The place is calm and peaceful. It was a hot day when we visited and the skies were blue with a few clouds. Now, the first thing you see when you enter Kranji is not the headstones, no you don't see the rows of white clean heads stones no instead you see this.

These my freinds are the grave stones of the first two presidents of Singapore. The red marbled one belongs to Benjamin Henry Sheares and the other one belonged to the first and boys and girls we have all seen his face. Permantly planted on our everyday money is President Yusof Bin Ishak.

Standing before the graves of these important people, you can't help but think this; "Wow, even powerful people...die."

By the way Thin and I raced from President 2 grave to President 1 grave, it was quite tiring but guess who won...

I bet President 1 would be laughing in his grave right now.

After which, Fat got a stich at her side.

Hanni, our guest for this adveNture, walked :D, now this my freinds, this is the right way to behave in a mass grave. Behave respectfully and walk, do not play races in a graveyard.

After seeing the president grave you would be astounded by the many right rows of head stones that stand on a flat up hill green slope. Numerous, without pictures, with their army crest forever ungraved in the stones of the tombstone. This my freinds was the main attraction to Kranji War Memorial. The soldiers who have died.

Hanni, I and Thin passed along quietly and softly. Thin snapping pictures with her black camera and Hanni and I moving past the head stones viewing the people who died with solemn respect.

It was sad to see some headstones with no name and no age, somehow the unidentified bodies of a few young soldiers got to us and we were sad for a moment...until this happens...

Lizards, they were wonderful creatures...somehow they managed to make Thin scream like a maniac and Hanni laugh, so there we have it folks; our lack of graveyard ethique.

Lizards my freinds are one of the few animals you would see in this beautiful crafted mass graves. Another common animal is the crow and a few doves.

While strolling accross rolls of headstones, up slope you would eventually reach the center piece of Kranji War Memorial. A structure that is shaped like the wings of an air-plain and a chimmney of a War Ship. This is where the names of thousands of soldiers killed in action was carved into stone.

We viewed each slab of stones with solemn respect...that is until Thin decided to see if she can find her name on the slabs of stones and when I did this...

Again folks we lacked any form of graveyard eitheque and that was nothing to be proud off. In case you're wondering what is in the red book, I shall tell you now. They contain the names of the people carved in the slabs of stones and yes, Thin did not find her name.

After viewing the names of the thousand dead, one can't help but sit back and think, what happened to these people? Were they killed during action or were they blown up? So sitting dangerously on the edge of this structure, the three of us lesisurely stare up at the clear blue skies and the serene environment, lost in our own thoughts.

(this is Hanni)

After which we strode down the slope again and found comfort in sitting in a sheltered stone enclosure where we fooled around and performed numerous acts for our audiences of the dead.

(now, even spider man wouldn't do this)


I will not eleborate on the History of this place, the infomation could be found in your very own school text book and the website called Wikepedia

Urban Legends
It's a graveyard...what do you expect -_-

There a lots of stories regarding the place, 99% of it is as fake as Obama not being black. One story claims of a man walking into the cemetry during 7pm, which is considerably dark and he did happen to see a caucasian priest staring at him. This story is slightly credible...but the man put in so many ridiculous stories in front of his main "ghost" sighting that I hardly call it believeable, but if you are interested in his story; please feel free to look it up on SFOGS.

So, yes it a cemetry so, yes I would say you would be able to see somethings if you go at night or in the afternoon. We, however did not see anything strange, all we saw was Thin climbing, a few lizards and doves.

Now all I can say is...what was the man doing there at night?

He was obviusly asking for it -_-


1. First take the MRT to Kranji

2. Then take bus 170

So...if you're free and if you want to have a taste of Singapore's War Time history, please feel free to drop by at this place. Would I say it was an enjoyable visit...well...it was so-so.

P.S. pls wear shoes when you get there, I got pricked by insufferable thorns again...I think there is a running gag in this.

Ratings (its upon 5 -_- pls dont ask me if its upon 1000)

Tiring level : 5 (very, no water, far distance, very)

Worth it: 3 (not too bad, not very awesome, a so-so)

safe: 5 (very safe)

Possibility of getting arrested: 0 ( unless you attempted the spider man move Thin did up there for fun then there is no you will get arrested)

Haunted: 2 (maybe, maybe not)

Possibility of it being abandonned: 0 (IT WAS NEVER ABANDONNED IN THE FIRST PLACE)

So with all that said, we hope that you would visit Kranji. If you are looking for a good relaxing place then Kranji is just the place for you. Sleeping there is not advisable though :D

Look forward to our next adventure (err...we shall decide) and remember if its not occupied, its probably abandonned :D