Welcome to madness

If it's not occupied, you know it's abandoned...and haunted :D

Monday, February 7, 2011

Idiots in Crocodile Farm

The Adventures of Fat minus thin, featuring Hanni, JackoWacko, Pree and Zeek Eru

(I do say that is one large teeth you have there Grandma)

Admist the buzzing city life of Singapore, enter Serangoon. Serangoon, oh Serangoon, people over the age of 50 look back and remember flats and rows of cemetries that used to occupy that area. So much so that Serangoon has became notoriously known as Cemetry HDB.

However due to redevelopment and all the other shit, the pile of god forbidden, forsaken pieces of cemetries have been removed to give rise to new HDB flats, shopping malls and a small neighbourhood. ZeekEru and Jacko Wacko who refuses to listen to this decided to give Fat a smack on the back of the head. Pree who supports anything supernatural should have given them a smack back :D

At last the cemetry land has turned into a small little entertainment center filled with lots of things to do. They even have an MRT and a bloody cinema.

Then you walked further down and find yourself travelling back into time when you see the Crocodile Farm.

How shall i describe the Crocodile farm?

The Crocodile farm was a british colonial styled building with Chinese upbringings. Built lavishly and stylishly in probably the 1960's, this house still stand, admist many terrace flats. It British Colonial style seem to fit in perfectly with its chinese upbringing.

Entering the Crocodile Farm you would feel like you have been transported back into time. Introducing, retro looking signs. (above). This sign makes you feel like you've been transported back into time, like maybe the 1970's, come on admit it, once you added lights around the lovely border, it becomes a blink board for some "prostitude" club in the 1970's. Except, this time, you're dining with Crocodiles.

Dinner is serve

I am now in Poly and because I am in there I have met loads of interesting people, whom I have become good freinds with. The Hanni with her usual green shirt is present, and well introducing Jacko Wacko, a Chinese girl whom studies the same course as me, energertic and loud, she plays basketball...she can also do weird things with her fingers, on which I would not eleborate. Then there is Pree, an Indian girl whom I met on the 3rd day of school, lost as I was then, we managed to collaborate and find the place we were looking for. Taking an interest in the Supernatural and naturally quiet but funny when she needs to, she's one of a kind. And then there is ZeekEru, a very loud and energectic and loud...and louder :D (You know Im joking) Malay girl. She loves K-pop, JackoWacko too, and would buy anything Shiny, opps I mean Shinnee. Well, yep these are the people who would be accompaning me today. Thin on the other hand couldn't make it. And I doubt she wants to visit Crocodiles.

Well, me and my multi racial group strode into the grounds to give you the latest updates of this small yet reptilian farm.

The first thing we saw when we walked past the retro looking sign was the Crocodile enclosures...well you can call it, children swimming pools. Just 5 meters deep, this long and narrow enclosure fits many Crocodiles of different species. Cept don't throw your children in there, wouldn't want those little hands and legs to become wine for the Crocs won't you :D

Introducing the Alligator...

This 4 meter long monster is an Alligator, notice its rounder snout, well yes, this fat nose of its makes it an Alligator. Don't ask me why an Alligator is different from a Crocodile, I don't know, he don't know, she don't know, God doesn't know, just suck it up and accept that if your swimming half way down a long river in America and just happen to get bitten by one of these things, just remember when your up there say you died because of an Alligator and not a Crocodile.

It would be embarrassing if you didn't know what killed you

Introducing Mr Caiman...

Opps, I mean Mrs Caiman. This married smaller version of a Crocodile, happen to be sun tanning and laying her eggs. Pree spotted it first and thought it was dead. ZeekEru beckons that thought and they both shrieked when the Croc move...or at least how I remembered it.

Caiman's are generally smaller than a Crocodile, though they happen to be the cause of most drowning cases in Africa. Don't let their small size fool you, this croc has enough power to drag you down into the water...and well kill you :D.

Though their endagered and when I say endagered I mean endagered. Turns out we killed more of them then they killed more of us.

Pls help save this crocodile, if you don't whoes going to get rid of all the irritating people.

And then the main star of today...Introducing Crocodile

Ha ha fooled you :D This is an Alligator, notice its rounded snout :D Spot the difference :D

So now here's the main star :D

This is the Crocodile, see Mr Crocodile :D yes see its sharp snout :D

Frankly we can't tell them apart.

We don't blame you if you don't.

Notice the small pens these Crocodiles are kept in, if you havent ring the association for animal abuse, pls don't ring it. Because if the word Crocodile FARM doesn't ring in your head then well I don't know what does.

So basically when we entered the Farm we saw all these wonderful Crocodiles kept in their small enclosures. We don't know whether to scream or just to run away. However Hanni, Jacko Wacko, Pree, ZeekEru and me are probably idiots.

We went close enough to the enclosure to take photoes with this magnificient creatures.

We had adventures in this small little farm, Jacko Wacko went around taking photoes of this beautiful picture. Hanni went around the back of a small enclousure and stupidely lead us all there. However we didn't know that it wasn't safe and just one wrong move could wind us dead. :D Guessed what happened.

We got our ass kicked by a lady I would now introduce... The yellow Ghost.

The Yellow Ghost is a 1.65 meter long lady who probably owns the place, yes she's fierce, yes she's real fierce, and we just ran when she scolded us.

Now after visiting the various Crocodile pens in their Various swimming pools and almost killing ourselves by taking photoes with these magnificient creatures we decided to take a look at the Crocodile shop. Oh did I mention they sell Crocodile Skins there.

Yes my Friends, Crocodile Skins. The best kinds, top quality, came from the pets they rear in the back yard. So we weren't suppose to take photos in this shop, But Jacko Wacko did it anyway. So we took...

and took...

and took...

and got caught :D

and then got chased out :D

Yes chased out my folks by the yellow lady.

So that was how our adventures ends...abruptedly...but hey we got to see the Crocodiles cooped up in their small enclosures, manage to get ourselves almost killed and well, managed to get ourselves a licence to kill...hypothethically.


Apparently, one guy named Mr Tan Gna Chua, decided to, "hey let's set up a crocodile farm..." just 60 years ago. He was an enterprising young chinese man who decided to start his farm in Upper Serangoon road. He started off with 10 crocs, the numbers grew, he killed them processed their skin for leather.

Oh, so that's where the leather came from. See that's why I said don't call SPCA.

So yeah, that's the history of Crocodile Farm... now if I had money, I would rather set up a lion farm in the middle of nowhere instead. The better the danger, the more customers isn't it.

Urban Legends

You know how you hear stories of Crocodiles prowling the water ways, meaning Drains in Singapore. Rejoice Ubran Legend finders, it is true. A few (20,30,40?) years back, some idiots manage to catch one of these Crocodiles in the drains...and well some Crocodiles in the past were known to walk the streets of Singapore.

So do these Crocs still live in the water ways, are they still there...would you wake up one morning to find a Crocodile snout coming out from your drainage hole. The possibility, close to zero, but you can never be sure.

If you ask me...I like to believe its true...but now with New Water and other shit, I doubt Singapore has any Crocodiles left. Unless well, maybe, the Crocodile Farm owners go mad and decides to release their Crocodiles into the drain.

Admit it, wouldn't that be just AWESOME.

not only would there be flash floods to worry about, we now have flash floods with Crocodiles :D I shiver in excitement when I think about it.


1. Take bus 80 or 81 from Serangoon Bus terminal

2. After 5 stops alight, and cross the road.

We got lost as we didn't see the Croc farm at first. Don't blame us...

It looked like some abandonned house.

So folks, if you enjoy this place...well we most certaintly did, I think...the please visit the Crocodile Farm. We urge students of all ages to enter, pls go, we beg you :D

P.S. Some folks love to live broken bits of metal wire there, so please wear shoes, your truly got scratch by one of those.


Tirng Level: 4/5 (far, very far)

Worth it: 3/5 (well its interestring, but if you meet the yellow ghost then no, we give you the license to kill)

Safe: 5/5 (unless you decide to take a swim with the Crocodiles :D)

Possibility of getting arrested: 0/5 (unless you have itchy hands and decide to throw stuff into the Crocodile pens)

Haunted: 0/5 (I don't know about Crocodiles with grudges for their lovely skin)

Possibility of it being abandonned: 0/5

So with all that said, we hope you kil-visit the Crocodile Farm and the yellow ghost.

and remember if its not occupied it probably abandonned :D