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If it's not occupied, you know it's abandoned...and haunted :D

Monday, August 30, 2010

Idiots who couldn't get in!!!!

The adventures of fat and thin and we just couldn't get in!

(Shit the beep)

We went to Orchard, a crowded busy spot in the heart of Singapore. Not exactly the place we would like to go...we're not really into...yes, SHOPPING!

To clarify some things, Thin and I never shop when we go out together. Our hang out spots consist of three locations, The book store, the Libary or if we're feeling extremely adventurous, yes the whole of Singapore.

To prove my point, have you heard of CHIJ St Theresa, well, we have walked from there all the way to Bugis, the distance, more than a whooping 8 kilometers. Then of course I had to take the train back home. We did it in 3 hours by the way, if our parents found out about this, we'll be screwed so bad we won't know what hit our ***.

Ok, now on to the main reason why we are here. Yes, we went to Orchard to preview the Soong's sister house and to see if we can enter it through more normal means. So we went there and found that the main gate has been replaced with a new hardy looking gate. Of course, there were warning warning us not to enter. Thin and I wanted to climb over but it was broad daylight and we weren't in the mood of staying in a jail over night.

So we decided to circle around the condominuims that surround it and access it through the back gate. We walked...and walked...and walked...got lost, walked, access creepy alley, dead end, walked, got lost, cimbed awesome staircase located near drain; dead end, walked some more, walked a little bit more, manage to enter some old terrace house which looked yes incredibly awesome, walk a little bit more and more and well more until we have no idea where we were.

Just when Thin and I were about to lose all hope about finding the back gate. I spotted something, yes, the back part of the Soong's sisters house. However, the only way to access it was too tresspass into a condominium, climb 2 meters long green fence, fall into the Soong's sisters house at the height of about 3 meters. Were we willing to do that?

Well yes, what were you expecting. I inched foward and managed to slip pass the guard house, Thin followed me and we approach the green fence. After being scratch by a despicable thorn bush...(again with the thorns -_-) we manage to TOUCH the green fence.

Did we manage to climb it...no, why? Well because some bastard decided to alert the sercurity guard and we just got the hell out of there.

After all the trouble and all the shit we went through, Thin and I decided to give up for the day...thus this long essay above would explain to you why our trip to the Soong's Sister house would be delayed.

Would we try to enter again, YOU BETCHA, we're not that easily beaten.

If we have to order a helicopter and parachute our way in then WE WILL DO IT.

Anything is possible, failure is not acceptable, Obama has a phrase that describes this motto in three simple words: YES WE CAN!!!

and you betcha...we'll do it (once we raise 1000 dollars to get our butt out of jail)

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